The time is here for much of the world who has the winter season to start seeing snow. It's also a great time to get your camera ready, bundle up and go capture some great images! If you are fortunate enough to live where it snows, or holiday where it snows, run out the door when it starts falling! Everything starts to become more beautiful, as seen in these photos. From portraits to landscapes and even street photography.
Remember that the cold weather will drain your batteries much faster, so when not shooting keep it under your coat and close to your body.
Photo By Ruvim Miksanskiy
Great collection! Is there an issue with the cold and the lenses, mechanical parts of the body?
All great images. Time to grab my camera and go shoot some snow.
© 2010 Carlton Ward
Mt. Si, Washington
I agree with taking out your camera into the snow…. I disagree with keeping it under your coat when not using it. It will develop condensation and fog up your lens when you bring it back out to shoot again.
I live in Montreal, and this is a big problem with winter photography.
Some wonderful images here. To go out in the cold takes a bit of effort, the results can be well worth it. Here is an image of leaves partially covered in snow.
I know the neighborhood thinks I’m insane going out in the subfreezing temps to take photographs, but there’s nothing like it. Totally serene. Have some pics on my blog. I would love some feedback!
would snow work for wedding photography? thats a lot of white! I would avoid using flash and just use the natural reflection of the snow.
Magnificent photos…
We’ve just got rain down in the city… time for a trip up the mountain!
These are great shots. Tomorrow we are expecting a snowfall. I will definitely get out the old camera and try something new. Thanks for the encouragement
Great images. This makes me miss living on the east coast…a little bit.
I am so not looking forward to what comes with Winter. I really don’t like driving in snow nor the ice. Though I will state these photo captures do inspire me and I will just have to work out the logistics of getting out when we do have snow here.