6 Funny Photography Accounts To Follow On Instagram

Without a doubt, there are many talented photographers to follow on Instagram nowadays. But how many of these photographers are talented and hilarious at the same time? Sometimes you want to see great images that will make you laugh too, and that’s why we created this list for you.

Humor is an integral part of our everyday lives, and Instagram photographers like the following six ones have brought the community together thanks to their fantastic sense of humor. Photography definitely doesn’t have to be serious!

1.Phillip Kremer – @phillip.kremer

Philip Kremer is a very unconventional photographer whose work focuses on various distorted and disfigured images that walk the fine line between funny and creepy.

His amazing Photoshop skills are paired with his totally insane ideas. You should definitely check his Instagram account if you’re into pop-culture art. Kremer has more than 81k followers.


2.Average Rob – @averagerob

Average Rob is a talented photographer and retoucher from Belgium, famous for his celebrity Photoshop gags. Even though there are many other photographers who focus on editing celebrity images in a funny way,  Average Rob goes the extra mile to make it look realistic.

His account has 323k followers.


3.James Fridman – @fjamie13

James Fridman is probably the king of hilarious Photoshop – he has 1.8m followers!

What sets him apart from the crowd of similar photographers is the fact that he takes Photoshop requests from random people (not celebrities!) and creates exactly what the person who ordered the edit doesn’t want.


4.Socality Barbie – @socalitybarbie

This witty and sarcastic Instagram account does a great job of mocking the unoriginal and stereotypical posts we see on Instagram every day. It also makes fun of various hipster influencers who are trying their best to create motivational posts.

Each photo of Socality Barbie features a bunch of hashtags and a fake wise quote full of sarcasm. The account has 857k followers.


5.Combo Photo – @combophoto

Combo Photo is a rather original Instagram account which follows the same editing routine but yields the most amazing results! The premise of this account is pretty simple – the photographer combines two unrelated images into a single bizarre photo.

The content of this account is very entertaining and odd. Combo Photo (his real name is Stephen McMennamy) has 430k followers.


6.Remmi Demmi – @_remmidemmi

This is another pretty bizarre Instagram account that focuses specifically on staged images of collapsed Individuals.

This account belongs to an Italian artist Sandro Giordano and features his photography series called _IN EXTREMIS (bodies with no regret). Each of Giordano’s shots is carefully crafted, vibrantly colorful and eye-catching because of many playful details. His account has 163k followers.


If you want to learn more about popular Instagram photography accounts, check out the following links! 

Further Resources:

  1. 10 Fashion Photographers To Follow On Instagram In 2019
  2. 7 Street Photographers On Instagram That You Need To Follow Right Now
  3. 10 Instagram Travel Photographers You Should Be Following
  4. The Best Photography Instagram Accounts To Follow Right Now
  5. 20 Famous Photographers You Must Follow On Instagram
  6. How To Become Instagram Famous – Best Tips For Photographers

About Author

Jasenka is a photographer with a background in web design. You can find out more about her on her website, see some of her newest images at 500px or get to know her better here.

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