Why do We Love Photography So Much?

We Love Photography – You love Photography It’s why we’re here reading this blog. Right? But, what is the story behind that love affair? Photography – The Early Years The origin of photography is credited to Thomas Wedgwood who developed the first working camera and the creation of permanent images in 1790. The coining of […]

Is Program Mode For Idiots?

If you’ve been involved in photography for any length of time at all, you’ll most likely recognize this scenario – You and a bunch of your photography friends are standing around the water cooler at work or the barbecue pit in your backyard, or the cookie table at the camera club meeting when the subject […]

Minimalism – The Art of Less

A Lesson Learned Our first exposure to the Minimalist Art Movement occurred back in the early 1990’s. We were visiting a prominent modern art museum in a large Midwestern city in the United States. We had passed through an arch and entered a room which was occupied by a single large painted canvas. It was […]