It's that time of year again when everyone is searching out a bargain and who are we to step in the way? As part of our black Friday celebrations, we are offering our "Hint of Noir" Lightroom presets for a very big discount.

Lightroom presets are a great way to quickly and easily achieve a greats tarting point for your post production. This pack of presets is designed to approximate some of those old school film noir looks that are always popular. It is most suited to indoor portraiture, but as you can see from some of these examples, it can also be used to good effect outside.
Anyway, it's on super discount, but of course that is ending soon so jump on it!
These presets really make your Lightroom more versatile and this is literally the first time they have been on sale so it's probably a good idea to at least check out some of the other examples of before and after shots to see if they will suit your style. This is a Black Friday deal so will be coming down soon.