Competition Closed!
Winners: Gabriel with 166 Votes, Sarah with 221 Votes and Bronwyn with 345 Votes and Knitting Satori won the Twitter section!
Congratulations to the winners!
We haven't had a competition for a while! Well, now we've decided to remedy that and Udi from Bokeh Master Kit has come to the rescue with some great prizes! It also fits in nicely with our recent article showcasing 27 Incredible Bokeh Photographs!
What are the Prizes?
We’re giving away three Bokeh Master Kits to the top three winners of the competition. Udi will ship the kits out to you directly! They are funky little attachments that fit on your lens! They are ready out of the box and don’t require any special attachments or software. You can read more about how they work over at their website.
How to Enter
Step 1) Post your best bokeh photograph in the comments below (Use the link under the reply box that says “You can add images to your comment by clicking here” to insert images into the comment). (If you’re not sure how to do bokeh, then check out this great DIY Bokeh tutorial).
Step 2) Make sure you click on the little thumbs icon ( )next to your photo to vote for it.
Step 3) Tell all of your friends to come and vote for your photo by clicking on the thumbs icon!
That’s it!
How is it Judged?
The competition closes one week from today. Which means I will log in next Wednesday morning (Sydney time) and find the three images with the most votes. I’ll then email all of the winners individually so they can get their prize!
The Rules:
If it feels like you’re doing something shonky to win the competition, then don’t do it. We have hired goons and we will use them! 😉
Here are a few bokeh images to get you inspired!
It looks like a few people are having some trouble, so here's how to do it.
1)Upload your image to your favourite image hosting service (Flickr, Photo Bucket or whatever)
2)Right click on the image wherever you have uploaded it and select “copy image location”
3) Come back here.
4) Click on the “You can add images to your comment by clicking here” link.
5) Paste the address into the popup box and hit ok.
An Extra Chance to Win
For an extra chance to win a Bokeh Master Kit, twit this exact message on Twitter:
Win a Bokeh Master Kit at LightStalking. Please RT Details to Enter:
Alright! I added it again because the photo was not displaying in my previous comment. Can that be deleted? Please? 🙂
I took this image of Christmas lights using a Celestron 750mm f6 telephoto lens on my Canon 7D. It’s a Schmidt-Cassegrain lens, which gave the image a really unique bokeh.
Oops. Trying that again.
Unfortunately my image was too Big!
Here a smaller size
This is a view from Twin Peaks, located in San Francisco with very good friends of mine. The lens used is old 50mm lens from Nikon that I inherited from my grandfather.
Bokeh snow swirl.
Guys, it need to already exist on the web. And you need to input the actual address of the image (not the web page).
If your image is on flickr (for example), then right click on it and select “copy image location” then paste that into the box here.
I love this. Thanks for all the wonderful examples. It is good to get some fresh inspiration.
Saika Silk
I love bokeh!
oops, done it again :S (not sure how to delete incorrect posts)
Previous image too large, here’s the resized one:
Bearie Bokeh
Kalachuchi (Plumiera rubra) on the side of the road.
This image is 100% in camera with the exception of a bit of brightness/contrast adjustment.
The colors are the refracted glints in the snow.
I did this with a DIY bokeh I made after arranging Christmas lights over my guitar. One of my photos from my one-a-day photo project! (
Sorry. Here is the larger image
SXSW Music Festival in Austin Texas.
Not so sure I’m in with a chance judging by the competition, but you’ve got to be in it to win it!
Freelance Whales- Live, in Seattle
Why are people that clearly have the kit already competing?
Sorry. Here is the larger image
Sorry. Here is the larger image
One final try:
I took this one in New York. I don’t know if it counts as good bokeh because the foreground is pretty blurry, but I like it!
Can I enter twice? Don’t think I’ll win anyway, everyone’s pictures are so good!
I took this one in New York. I don’t know if it counts as good bokeh because the foreground is pretty blurry, but I like it!
My dog Lucy, shot with 105mm Nikkor f2.
A shot from the heart of downtown Calgary
Here’s hoping this works ….
Can I enter twice? Don’t think I’ll win anyway, everyone’s pictures are so good!
Got my kit! Thanks so much :]