Collections Makes Searching Google Photos Faster Ahead of AI Rollout


Google is going to make finding photos and media a whole lot easier and that’s via something it is calling “Collections.”

landmark poster lot
Landmark poster lot. Photo by Héctor J. Rivas

Whereas now content is organized in your library into albums the library will be replaced with the aforementioned Collections and the content within will be sorted “automatically and intelligently assembled groups of people, documents, or places, you can find it all in Collections. We are also adding new shortcuts at the top of Collections that make locating recently or frequently accessed groups of photos especially fast.”

Not only will content be grouped “intelligently” but also it will be searchable using this same method. Facial recognition and thematic identification are two of the major pivot points on this front.

“We want to streamline how you can find your content with an interface that makes albums and groups we’ve created for you more intuitive and accessible. That’s why, in addition to the items that were previously on the Library, you can now find the following in the Collections view: People & pets, Places, and Documents.”

All of this is coming ahead of the company’s new AI-powered “Ask Photos” feature which is expected to bring Gemini to Google’s suite of media apps.

As PetaPixel points out, this kind of feature sounds good on paper but has had mixed reception in practice. Namely, AI isn’t quite there yet when it comes to accuracy and correctly interpreting commands. There’s also the privacy angle but that seems to be lost in the discussion. Whether this will remain a longstanding way forward or is simply part of the new wave of AI everything remains to be seen but it should provide an efficient way to conjure up past photos.

Any thoughts you might have on Google’s new AI features are welcome in the comments.

We have more news for you to read at this link.

About Author

Kehl is our staff photography news writer since 2017 and has over a decade of experience in online media and publishing and you can get to know him better here and follow him on Insta.

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