Every once in a while, we stumble upon a heartwarming story from the world of photography that we just have to share, and this is one of those articles.

A diver located a deceased man’s GoPro containing his last moments on Earth at the bottom of a waterfall and the diver was able to return it to the man’s family. Diver Rich Aloha was diving at Foster Falls in the US state of Tennessee when he found the GoPro sticking up out of the dirt floor beneath the falls.
Richard Ragland drowned at the falls two years ago the afternoon after the GoPro footage was captured. The tragic story was covered somewhat extensively on local media and the Park Rangers that Aloha encountered prior to his dive told him about the incident.
Ragland’s parents searched for the camera after his death in hopes that it would shed some light on his death and now that they have it they are grateful for it after an earlier device delivered by Park Rangers had its SD card stolen according to PetaPixel.
Ragland’s mother tells local news outlet WSB-TV of the footage, “What we’ve seen so far is Rich being Rich, living life to the fullest…For him to go through his efforts to do his research, make numerous phone calls, he didn’t give up until he got in touch with us and that means the world to us.”
There is a final portion of the video that they have not yet watched that they are hoping will give them final closure.
As usual, we’d love to know your thoughts in the comments below.
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