Instagram Pushes Update to Help Clean Up User Inboxes

Instagram’s latest update makes a lot of sense, especially when you factor in the platform’s push to video.

Photo by Dima Solomin

Starting now, likes and messages in reaction to a Story you might post will be siloed off into their own inbox rather than clog up your central feed. For users with large followings and who post stories quite often, this is an excellent solution as opposed to the previous barrages of hearts, thumbs up, and laugh emojis that would drown out your relevant messages before the update.

The company formerly known as Facebook, Meta is pushing a bunch of updates to Instagram lately and it's no surprise why. From making the app more user-friendly to positioning it to better compete with the likes of TikTok and even YouTube, Meta’s changes to Instagram are overall a net positive.

And we expect these changes will only accelerate, particularly when you consider Facebook’s massive drop on the market in light of disappointing news regarding future revenues. Since Instagram is arguably the company’s most influential division at this point, expect it to roll out more updates and features at a faster pace than ever before. We could be wrong, but the kind of news we’ve covered about Instagram and its plans for photo and video media definitely underpin an argument for the company accelerating its plans for Instagram’s growth.

All of this comes on the heels of reports that Meta was considering shutting down Facebook and Instagram in the European Union due to data regulations that wouldn’t allow the company to process user information on servers in the United States. Couple that with the whole “metaverse” concept, and we’ve got a lot to expect from Meta in 2022.

Do you use the Instagram stories feature? What is your opinion of this change to how likes to stories are handled? Let us know in the comments below.

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About Author

Kehl is our staff photography news writer since 2017 and has over a decade of experience in online media and publishing and you can get to know him better here and follow him on Insta.

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