Is Samsung Developing a 1-Inch 150MP Sensor to Power Future Smartphones?

Rumors help keep the engine of the Internet humming along, and it’s no different for us in photography.

closed up photo of black dell central processing unit
Photo by Pok Rie from Pexels.

But one thing is increasingly certain and that is that our rumors have a high probability of being accurate.

Whether it is because websites have solid sources or people are better able to anticipate what manufacturers can (and cannot) do in the near future is a matter of debate.

Yet one thing is certain and that is that the advancement of smartphone cameras is one of the fastest developments in the history of the industry.

And Samsung is trying to push the frontier even further. Today’s rumor involves a one-inch 150MP ISOCELL CMOS sensor that could show up in a Galaxy smartphone as early as this year – fourth quarter of 2020, according to PetaPixel.

PetaPixel further reports that the rumor first appeared on the website Clien and indicated that the smartphone would likely be marketed as a 144MP. Further, this isn’t just being devved for Samsung’s phones. It’s also going to be used in Oppo, Xiaomi, and Vivo phones as well.

The rumor further indicates that Xiaomi hopes to lead the third-party companies with a release sometime this year as well. Whether or not it would be at the same time or sometime after the Samsung release isn’t really clear. When we get more information, we’ll be sure to pass it along to you.

Does a 150MP sensor sound like something that would help take smartphones to the next level? Why or why not? Let us know your thoughts on this story in the comments section below if you like.

Don’t forget to check out some of our other photography news articles on Light Stalking by clicking this link here.



About Author

Kehl is our staff photography news writer since 2017 and has over a decade of experience in online media and publishing and you can get to know him better here and follow him on Insta.

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