There seems to be a bit of a shakeup occurring in the Japanese camera market as the latest numbers show Sony outselling Canon.

Of course, given that anyone is selling anything these days is a positive, but Sony’s inexorable rise is one of the major stories of the year.
In case you’ve missed our coverage, Sony not only spun off its camera division earlier this year before the COVID-19 pandemic really hit the global market but also the company has aggressively expanded its presence in the consumer camera market with one of the more frenzied release calendars out there.
October Japan sales from Phileweb show the Sony a7S III outpacing Canon’s EOS R5 and R6 and the Sony a7S III beating Canon’s offerings in the mirrorless segment as well, PetaPixel reports.
In DSLR, Canon’s EOS90D stayed on top while the Ricoh GR III leads in the luxury compact niche.
Though these figures are for the Japanese market, there are two ways to interpret this that seem to be predominantly popular theories on the Internet right now. One is as evidence of Sony’s rise in cameras and the other is as further proof of Nikon’s decline. The latter is somewhat outlined by the sales story mainly being a Sony-Canon affair with Nikon languishing in the background.
Then again, we’ve had some pretty negative press lately about Nikon that also bears out that theory. If you’ve missed those articles, you can check them out here.
Yet we’ve also reported that Nikon is pursuing an aggressive product release strategy so all hope is not lost.
What do you think of Sony’s lead on Canon in Japan’s October camera sales? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
Don’t forget to check out our other photography news articles at this link right here.
1 Comment
It looks to me that Nikon might be preparing to sell its camera division. Why do i say this? Well, in my days of mergers and acquisitions it was normal practice to ‘dress the bride’ ready for sale. Therefore. feverish new product activity by Nikon which seems to be aimed at lengthening their product portfolio life-cycle appears to me to be just that: ‘dressing the bride’.