Lasers Coming to Apple’s Cameras in 2020

Apple’s smartphone cameras could be getting a really cool upgrade in the future if reports of Time of Flight lasers being added in the year 2020.

Pixabay from Pexels.

Not only is it fun to say that your camera has laser beams, but also it looks like ToF will give the next-gen Apple iPhone cameras depth perception capabilities that are way beyond its current models. As FStoppers reports, Time of Flight technology is nothing new. How it works is basically the lasers measure distances between the source of the laser beam and objects in front of it. It’s used for video games, crash detection technology, and a bunch of other stuff as Scott Mason points out.

Apparently, for Apple’s purposes it is not only going to augment the camera’s abilities but also enable augmented reality (AR). AR is expected to be huge over the next five years, so that’s no real surprise and, if and when the technology becomes widespread on a consumer level, it could really change things up for photography.

As cool as all of this sounds, it probably won’t be a feature we see very widespread for some time. It is expected that Apple will roll out the feature to its top-of-the-line models first then let that innovation trickle down the family tree per tradition. Naturally, Samsung Galaxy fans are quick to point out that the Galaxy S10 5G has this already which makes Apple somewhat behind its biggest competition – as if iPhone users and Apple fans ever cared about that.

Naturally, we’re nothing without you, dear reader. Do you know something about ToF that we don’t? Maybe you can help explain some of the potential applications it has for photography and how different that would be. Or you can just give us your opinion on Apple’s lagging behind in the tech race against Samsung. Just be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments below.

And please check out our other photography news articles on Light Stalking by clicking here.



About Author

Kehl is our staff photography news writer since 2017 and has over a decade of experience in online media and publishing and you can get to know him better here and follow him on Insta.

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