Payments Company Square Debuts Photo Shoot App for Making Quick Product Pics

Square is at the forefront of payments solutions for companies across the world.

person holding smartphone beside tablet computer
Photo by Blake Wisz

And now it’s getting into photography, albeit with an app targeted towards online sellers that need to churn out professional product photos.

Whether it does a good job or not is likely in the eye of the beholder (or whether or not the product actually sells), but the app does seem to make the process of taking quick, effective photos of whatever you’re trying to sell.

How does it work?

You aim your smartphone’s camera at the product you’re selling and take a picture. The app will then separate the product element from all of the noise in the background as well as make sure everything about it is clear and sharp. At this point, the user can select a background from a range of predetermined scenes or a customized one. After this short process, your product photo should be ready to go. You can even attach a Square payment link to it if you like.

It sounds easy enough, right? Best of all is the fact that you don’t need a Square account to use this app though they’re probably going to try to push you in that direction one way or the other.

Why would Square want to get involved with photo apps in the first place? Because better photos make products sell and the company would like to head off the competition at the pass with a seamless, integrated process.

Head of eCommerce at Square David Rusenko told PetaPixel, “It’s no secret that products with professional-looking photos perform better than those without. Unfortunately, the cost, skillset, and labor involved with taking those photos were often prohibitive. Now, with Square Photo Studio, sellers can give their items the look of a professional photo studio shoot from the comfort of their home, the office, or on the go.”

Of course, we’d love to know your thoughts on Square’s Photo Shoot app if you have any. You can leave them in the comments below.

Check out some of our other photography news on Light Stalking at this link right here.



About Author

Kehl is our staff photography news writer since 2017 and has over a decade of experience in online media and publishing and you can get to know him better here and follow him on Insta.

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