The ability to use photo editing software to generate things that are not there or may not even exist is one of the most powerful tools in the modern photographer's arsenal – when used adroitly.

When done poorly, however, you can take what was once a perfectly acceptable photo and render it a joke or, worse yet, ridiculous, as is the case in this story if you think photo editing was the culprit.
Whether or not you’re familiar with a few of the foibles that come with Photoshopping the human figure, there are a few rules to keep in mind if you want to avoid spider legs and wonky arms. In this case, you might want to make sure you’ve got the right number of body parts before submitting your final work.
In an edited photo used to promote the popular UK television show The Apprentice UK (the same franchise that gave the United States Donald Trump) contestant Kayode Damali has either three hands or one really long hand. A composite photo combining two positions most likely but one that wasn’t fully vetted before hitting the printers from the looks of things.
And just in case you thought this was only one error, another poster featuring contestant Frank Brooks shows that candidate with an unusually long hand as well. Without fail, these poorly constructed photos launched online with all the sensation of a match on a trail of kerosene with some UK media outlets dubbing the photos “hilariously bad” according to FStoppers.
For its part the BBC claims that the photos were not subjected to any type of photo editing and, instead, what users are seeing is what the news service called an “odd lighting illusion.”
For our part, it’s an obvious muck-up no matter how it was achieved. But what do you think? Are these photos the result of bad editing or a trick of the light? Let us know in the comments.

there is no doubt that it is poor editing, and even worse quality control. Admit your mistake and move on.
How can they deny it’s bad editing there is no trick of the light it’s just poor on the part of the editors