On the frame of Easter, we want to slow down our pace and simply enjoy life, here is a selection of 15 images for indulging your cravings, 15 photographs of chocolate! In general, food photography is made or broke by the quality of light used (usually in conjunction with a narrow depth of field). These images really demonstrate that with their soft light.
To get you head around how to use that light for your own images, we highly recommend taking a look at Kent DuFault's Understanding Light.

To get your own ideas about how to use this beautiful soft light for your own food photography, we suggest you take a look at Understanding Light. by Kent DuFault. You will learn how to get this quality of image by understanding how light works.

To get your own skills up to the level of these gorgeous food shots, it is imperative that you know how light works and how to attain this soft quality of light in an image. For that, no guide is better than Understanding Light by Kent DuFault. Take a look.