Just over a week ago I had to show up at 111 Centre Street for jury duty. I dreaded the thought of having to sit there and (probably) do nothing all day. The only guarantee I had was that there would be a one-hour lunch break, so I figured I’d stick a camera in my bag and use it during my 60 minutes of freedom.
I wondered how many different kinds of shots a photographer might be able to make with a similar time constraint. The more I thought about it, the more I was convinced that you can do quite a bit in a short amount of time.
So when your next lunch break comes around and you feel the urge to pick up your camera, go for it. These are 5 types of photographs you can easily make before the clock runs out on you.
1. Food Photography
It makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? It’s lunchtime, you’re eating, why not add some food photography to your repertoire?
If you eat in a restaurant or cafe there’s a good chance the lighting won’t be ideal for a really clean food shot, so get a window seat if possible.
Or, do like I did and eat your lunch outdoors. The logistics of setting up and arranging your shot might prove to be a challenge, but that will just provide you an opportunity to really get creative.

2. Architecture Photography
This is another type of photography that lends itself to the situation. In my case, when I stepped out for lunch, I was greeted by the beautifully ornamented stonework and massive columns of the courthouse. And there are a number of similarly impressive buildings in the immediate area.
I didn’t have to go far to find several good architecture shots.
Even if you don’t work in what you would consider a majestic building, it’s still worth photographing, especially once you take a moment to find a flattering angle. And you can photograph the other buildings in your area as you walk to get lunch.

3. Street Photography
Speaking of walking to get lunch…there will be plenty of other people out doing the same thing. Lunchtime is a great time for street photography and you don’t have to go out of your way to get a shot.
Whether it’s a posed street portrait, a candid shot or more of a “street geometry” shot, you’re sure to encounter something/someone worth photographing as you move from point A to point B and back.

4. Self-Portrait/Selfie
While there are many who consider selfies and selfie-takers a scourge on society, there’s no denying there is an apparent fun factor involved in taking selfies and they’re quick and easy to make.
Aside from perhaps providing a bit of levity during your lunch break, you can use selfies to document your day.

Final Thoughts
Anyone who is bitten by the photography bug is always looking for a chance to click the shutter. Time may not always be on your side but, as any lunchtime shooter can attest to, you can still be productive and have some fun even when you’re in a race against the clock.
Great article to keep us thinking and our creative juices flowing. I want to offer one caveat. We must be aware that, depending on where we are, photographing buildings may be restricted. On my travels to Indonesia I have been approached by armed guards informing me that I cannot photograph that shopping mall or construction of that new office building. Government buildings in some countries are also off limits. So we just need to be aware of the rules wherever we happen to be.
Enjoyed the article. I’m often in a similar situation and will put a camera in my bag too. Waiting for appointments or unexpected cancellations are a few minutes of shoot time. Your article gave some additional ideas. It’s amazing what one can find in even just 15 minutes.