Using shadows to enhance photographic composition is something we have covered before. But it's also a fun subject and one that is part of this week's Light Stalking community photography challenge. We thought we would throw a little more inspiration into the mix with some of our favorite shadow shots.

Great set of photos. sillouhettes and shadows got me in to photography.
i love shadows.
Only the text opens on my Mac Book Pro, not the photos. I am currently in Shanghai and don’t know if this is a Great Firewall of China issue or some internet setup issue. Can anyone help as I love the Light Stalking site and am frustrated to tears that I can’t see the photos.
Hi Charles,
please check with another computer, if it works, it’s your mac setup if it doesn’t nothing simple can be done.
if it’s your mac try with a different browser, if it works it’s the browser, if not it may be related with your user account. Try from another account. If it’s the same, then it’s a system wide issue, in this case, you’ll need to backup all your data, erase and install the OS again + all your apps and data.
Hope it helps.
hey i know exactly how you fell i also live in Shanghai (pudong if you must know) and its all just because the wifi signals arent strong enough to process the image.
These photos are phenomenal. A very interesting way of looking at the world.
Love these. The shadow drinking from the bottle is wonderfully creative!