As you may have noticed, we have had a bit of a face-lift here at Light Stalking! Our designer and code monkey, Melody has been on the case and we're extremely happy with how it's all turned out! The design is awesome and lets us feature images a lot more elegantly than we were able to before and there's a heap more things you can do on the site now other than read our tutorials! Here are a few!
Register – That's right, you can now sign up and become part of the Light Stalking community right on the site! Just go to our registration page here to get the ball rolling!
Link to Your Site – In the sign up process you have the option to link to your website, blog, Facebook, Twitter and Flickr! We have huge communities on all those sites, so let us know where you are!
Upload an Album – All registered users can upload their best shots. At the moment, it's restricted to 20 images until we figure out what load it causes on the site, but we will probably adjust things in the near future.
See Community Photos – All the images that are uploaded on the site go onto our Photo Album page so you have a convenient place to check them out.
Get Feedback on Images – Folks can comment on your album images (but you can also turn that off). A great way to get feedback from the Light Stalking community.
Chat With Other Photography Lovers – The site now has a brand new forum! Come and introduce yourself!
Join Groups – Groups are a way of finding people who are into the same type of things as you. So far we have the main general group for discussing pretty much anything and there's a Macro Photography Group. Heaps more are planned so check on this page for them!
Create Groups – Can't find a group you're into? No problem! Start your own on whatever photography niche you like! You can even keep it private if you like or let everyone know!
Network – The new site has a “friend” functionality similar to the ones on Twitter and Facebook. That way when you log in you can see what those folks have been up to.
Ask a Question – Not sure about some technical area of photography? No worries – just start a new thread on the forum and someone will answer you!
Enter Competitions – We're going to be having a lot more competitions now and the easiest way to stay informed and enter them will be to be registered on the site.
Now be gentle cos this is our first day and we're sure there might still be a bug or two on the site (which you can report here if you're feeling generous). But we're hugely excited about the upgrade and we hope you love it too! We have a lot of plans for the future including integration with Facebook and Twitter as well as a stack of other cool stuff.
Looking good!
Congrats, dude!
Looks awesome, exploring the new features now 🙂
That’s much better.
Looks awesome! Congrats!