How to Photograph Interiors Like a Pro

Interior photography isn’t just about capturing snapshots inside a building. It is more than that and requires careful planning. Photographing interiors is all about presenting the interior as welcoming as possible, that means keeping it warm and spacious and choosing the right angle for the photographs. Here are some tips that will help you in interior photography.

How to Make The Best of Any Weather Condition When Photographing Outdoor

In photography, light is everything. Inside a studio, you can control every aspect of the lighting but when photographing outdoor under ambient light, a lot depends on the weather. Weather condition affects light, and therefore affects your photography. So, what can you do when the weather turns bad during your outdoor shoot? Wait for the perfect weather? You don’t have to wait for the perfect weather. Adapting to the weather condition, and using it to your advantage would be the smartest thing to do.

How to Paint With Light and Produce Creative Images: A Short Tutorial to Get You Started

It won’t be incorrect to say that essentially, every photograph is a light painting. Indeed, most of the time we are capturing the light that is available or we are adding light through strobes or other light sources. However, light can also be used as a brush and one could essentially paint a picture in the photograph with it. It is a bit more complicated process than our usual photography and it is almost completely done blind – you can see the result only when the shutter closes – but the results can be impressive.

How to Capture Perfect Headshots: 6 Useful Tips

Headshot, at first glance might seem like a fairly simple photograph to shoot, but when you get into it, you realize that it is a whole job description. There are many professional photographers that do only headshots. They specialize in it only because it takes great amount of time to master it. However, there are few general guidelines which you can follow in order to improve your headshot and portrait photography.