Where Are They Now? The Medium Format Heavyweights of the Film Era.

Today we are continuing our recent theme of looking back at where the big players of the film era stand today. In this article, we are going to look at the big players of medium format and how they faired with the transition to digital. Some were lost, some incorporated, but others are still going […]

3 Must-Have Apps For Black-And-White Photography

Black-and-white photography shouldn’t be used only for aesthetic reasons, but for utilitarian purposes. By keeping ourselves from the distractions that color creates in our mind we can obtain – as photographers and spectators – images with clearer and more efficient messages. The early options for transforming light into images were all monochromatic. Black and white […]

5 Practical Ways to Enhance Your Creative Vision

Commenting on the Hungarian-French photographer known as Brassai (Gyula Halasz), Henry Miller proclaimed that he was a man “equipped with no ordinary eyes.” According to Miller, Brassai’s “sharpness of vision and depth of insight are revealed in” his “photographic exploration” of Paris’ “people, places and things.” That’s high praise indeed, but Henry Miller’s assessment of […]