Any photographer can go through a stale patch. A time when whatever you shoot it just does not satisfy you. As a travel photographer these Covid times have made it very difficult to go and shoot in my usual niche. You can of course be a tourist in your own town – we have even […]
Architecture Photography Articles
Here are some architectural photos captured during the blue hour that can help inspire you to get out and shoot!
There are essentially two layers to real estate photography: the exterior and the interior. Both are important, but the exterior of a property holds a special significance because it’s what potential buyers see first. A good first impression increases the chance of hooking a buyer. If you’re a photographer who has been tasked with shooting […]
Architecture photos, although they may look simple, are a very challenging genre of photography and, if done well, can be very rewarding. Like other outdoor photography, the best time to shoot architecture is the golden and blue hours allowing for some beautiful long exposure images plus the added bonus of fewer people near those buildings, but […]
The line between a magnificent photograph and just another snapshot is incredibly thin. While this holds true for every style of photography, you need to be especially aware of it when shooting architecture. Presenting the building in its best form is imperative, but your composition must also please the viewer’s eye. Balancing presentation and composition […]
It’s easy to take buildings for granted. We work in them, shop in them, sleep in them. Buildings are all around us, from historical monuments to places of worship; and the more urban your environment, the more buildings you are going to have around you. In the hustle of everyday life, buildings just sort of […]