If you are looking to take your landscape photography to the next level, then you should be looking at making panoramic images that are created by shooting multiple photos and merging them together while post-processing. In this article, we will look at how to shoot panorama photos and stitch them in Adobe Photoshop – a […]
Photoshop Articles
In March 2021 and without any great fanfare, Adobe slipped a new tool into their Adobe Raw processing software. It was called Super Resolution and it did exactly what its names suggested, increased the resolution of RAW files. Despite Adobe’s low-key release, the Internet hailed this new tool as a revolution in post-production. Some commentators […]
Any work that we process in general, is completed following a particular methodology in order to achieve perfection. You actually follow a workflow from start to finish, completing various steps in between. In this article, we will look at the photoshop workflow for efficient post processing of images.
If you have dabbled a little with Photoshop, you will know just how powerful an editing tool it is. One of the many elements that contribute to this are layers. Photoshop layers allow the photographer to stack images, graphics and other elements on top of each other. Perhaps the simplest form a layer can take […]
Changing the background of a photo in Photoshop might sound like a very challenging task, but it doesn’t have to be if you learn the basic steps properly and keep improving your editing skills. In this simple tutorial we’ll explain the easiest way to swap a background in Photoshop! Bear in mind that the strategy […]
Many of us know and understand the benefits of shooting raw files. Chief amongst them are the ability to set white balance in post production and the possibility of extracting more exposure data from an image. Typically this might be pulling back blown highlights or expanding dynamic range. Whilst there are numerous different post production […]