10 Unmissable Photography Deals and Freebies

“Today everything exists to end in a photograph,” Susan Sontag famously stated in her book On Photography. We can’t argue with it as we all know how true that is. All we can do is try to take better photographs! So here we are again, bringing you some cool deals and freebies from around the web, all aimed at helping you create better images. We hope you like them.

8 Reasons Why You Should Photograph Against the Light

A common belief in photography is that your subject should be perfectly lit from the front to capture good photographs. While it may be true in many cases, you should remember that you can move away from the norm and utilize backlighting to create some stunning images. You may be surprised at the results you obtain after doing so. Here are 8 reasons why you should photograph against the light.

14 Fabulous Photography Freebies That Include E-Books, Courses and Presets

Freebie Friday has a nice ring to it, right? It would have made for a compelling title but we didn’t want to keep you waiting till Friday for your freebies. Our earlier post on freebies was wildly popular – obviously, everybody loves freebies. So we, at Light Stalking, decided to indulge our readers once more in freebie fantasy by sharing links to fabulous free stuff.

Submit Your Photos to These 8 Free-to-Enter Photography Competitions Now

It’s well known that competition can bring out the best in you. It makes you want to win. You learn in a competition more than a course can teach you in weeks and what you learn stays with you for a long time. It’s for these reasons that one must participate in competitions. Oh, and there’s a chance to win great prizes too. Here are some free-to-enter photography competitions.