5 Photos Every Photographer Must Know How to Create

Did you know that there are five basic photographs that every photographer must learn how to create? All other camera techniques in photography are based on these five photographs and mastery of these is essential to any photographer. If you’re a novice photographer and you’re wondering what camera setting you need to prioritize (aperture, shutter speed, or ISO), then this might shed some light.

A Guided Tour of Your Camera’s Viewfinder

You look through your viewfinder, and you take pictures. Sounds simple, right? The viewfinder on your camera is not just an interface between you and your subject but also a repository of important information that will help you make that shot much better. Today we are going to take a guided tour of your camera’s viewfinder – what information it displays and how to make the most of it.

Bug Stalking: Helpful Tips for Getting Started With Insect Photography

Insects can be a somewhat divisive topic. People tend to have clear cut feelings about bugs: some love them, others hate them. There’s usually no ambivalence about it. Naturally, these feelings extend to photography. Whatever side you choose, bugs can be amazing subjects for photographs. And you don’t have to be a professional to catch stunning insect photographs. Here are some tips to get you started.

How to Get Amazing Long Exposure Night Photographs

Daytime photography makes perfect sense for most photographers; it’s the time of day when they will go about all their landscape, portraiture, macro, and street photography. But there are plenty of others who refuse to call it a day just because the sun vanishes below the horizon. In fact, there are photographers who prefer the night and revel in the creative opportunities embedded in very low light photography.

Can You Really Create Background Blur With Your Camera Phone?

When you’re introduced to photography, one of the techniques everyone seems to want to learn is how to create images with a blurry background. The technical term for this is “shallow depth of field”. This is easily achievable when using DSLRs or even prosumer cameras, but creating such images with your camera phones may be a challenge. But it’s not impossible. In this post we will see how.

Shoot Less, Think More: 4 Ways to Take Fewer But Better Images

While digital photography has revolutionized the way we take photos by leveling the field for everyone to get decent images, that very revolution has brought with it some frustrating and indeed disturbing new trends. Perhaps the worst of all, is the desire by some people to photograph everything, all of the time. Today we are going to have a look at why you should shoot less, and how that might improve your photography.