Valentine’s Day Photography Inspiration: Roses, Chocolates and More

Valentine’s Day. Scrumptious, rich chocolates, romantic dinners and an assortment of flowers. A big day for florists, candy makers and restaurants who help couples celebrate Valentine’s Day. As photographers, we also make our own sweetness. Images of beautiful flowers. Photographs of chocolates and delectable desserts. One of the “lovely” things about Valentine’s photography is the creative perspective and use of different lenses by photographers.

A Brief Guide to Photographic Acronyms

Sometimes it seems like photography is just one big repository for acronyms. We buy a new lens, it is sold with OS or VR. Our cameras have very high ISO settings, even our filters can be NDs. Today, for those who don’t know their CMOS from their EVIL we are giving you a brief guide to some of the most common acronyms you might find on the buttons, dials and menus of your cameras.