Rumors are sometimes more interesting than reality. After all, within the realm of speculation all sorts of fantastical dreams can come to life as ideas are given substance when they normally would never amount to more than ether.
While not everything can be true, some things may make more sense than others and nothing gets an analytical mind going like numbers that check out. In this case, rumors around a new Nikon development bear numbers worth examination.
Japanese camera manufacturer and optics powerhouse Nikon is no stranger to rumors and speculation, especially when it comes to something new the firm may be developing. After all, its products are some of the most sought after in the optics market. When Nikon works on something new, even the faintest hint of a concrete detail can spawn blog post after blog post.
Nikon Rumors has stoked the flames of speculation with its report that the anticipated Nikon full-frame mirrorless camera the world is waiting on will feature a Z-mount.
Going just a bit further, Nikon Rumors reports that the Z-mount will have an external diameter of 49mm and a flange focal distance of 16mm. And, just in case you were wondering, the numbers work out even if they don’t confirm the existence of the rumored Z-mount.
DP Review can’t confirm whether or not the Z-mount is real, but their calculations show that it is a plausible spec.
As DP Review reports “While 16mm is very short, if you have a camera with a wide enough diameter it kind of doesn't matter. The back of the lens could be further forward than 16mm, so long as the mount doesn't intrude.”
Nikon was contacted by DP Review for comment upon publication but has yet to receive any statement from Nikon about the full-frame mirrorless camera with a Z-mount.