It’s not going away and how platforms deal with now could shape the direction things take in the future.

Naturally, we’re talking about AI content, the latest trend every major company is latching onto in the hopes of either supplanting traditional media production in some way or just out of curiosity. Whatever the case, AI is proving to be a powerful force in our world and whether for good or evil probably stems a lot from where you stand in the debate.
One thing is sure, however, and that is that social media platforms, while cool with adding these features to the chat and other areas, definitively want to demarcate AI content from the ostensibly genuine or real content their users upload. That makes a lot of sense when you consider one of the biggest criticisms of social media is that it lacks authenticity; add fake content to that mix and it becomes an an even greater exercise in fantasy than before.
From Snap:
“We also take great care to vet all political ads through a rigorous human review process, including a thorough check for any misleading use of content, including AI to create deceptive images or content. Soon, we will be adding a watermark to AI-generated images. It will appear on images created with Snap’s generative AI tools when the image is exported or saved to camera roll. Recipients of an AI-generated image made on Snapchat may see a small ghost logo with the widely recognized sparkle icon beside it. The addition of these watermarks will help inform those viewing it that the image was made with AI on Snapchat.”
For those of you currently on social media, you may have already noticed a few pictures running around out there. Just today, I saw fake images of Mark Zuckerberg and Justin Bieber, only one of which was flattering and neither of which were accurate. Of course, a cursory search on the Internet revealed them to be AI-generated but there was nothing to tell me that prior. Such a feature will be more than welcome.
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