Have you ever used a food delivery app like Uber Eats or GrubHub?

If you’re like me, the answer to that is a hot “no” because those apps charge you an arm and a leg in fees.
But one app in the UK is apparently taking it even further. Encouraging its followers to post under a hashtag, #YesDeliveroo, Deliveroo is trying to encourage social media users to post photos of themselves using the service in order to promote itself among the competition, FStoppers reports.
Yet they also have this nasty little language attached to the whole campaign that basically says that users who participate in the hashtag campaign surrender their rights – indefinitely – to the picture they took themselves. But don’t take our word for it.
Here’s the Deliveroo language:
“You grant us (Roofoods Limited), our group companies, affiliates and related entities the following rights for any purpose (including for commercial, marketing/advertising and business purposes), in any media and on any medium whatsoever (including but not limited to any printed media, static advertising of any kind, radio, television, Internet, cellular phone, or of any other kind), including uses not yet identified:
a royalty-free, fully paid, non-exclusive, transferable, perpetual, irrevocable, assignable, sub-licensable worldwide licence to use (including without limitation reproducing, broadcasting, combining, editing transmitting, displaying, developing, disseminating (each a Use)) your Contributions. Any work created, based on and/or derived from Using the Contributions is known as Derivative Works; and the right to Use your identifying information (including but not limited to your real name, image/likeness, and location (Identifying Information)) provided with your Contributions.”
What do you think?
Is Deliveroo trying to take peoples’ pictures or is this legal jargon gone awry?
Let us know your thoughts on this story in the comments section below if you like.
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