Shooting streetscapes is amazingly rewarding because you can share your neighborhood and how you see it with everyone else. There are 33 great examples of streetscapes here all with a variety of different styles so most all bases are covered.
Grab your camera and walk out your front door, but take note to a few common themes in these photos:
- Square is the new rectangle. The Square format is coming back bigger then ever!
- Timing is everything. The street right in front of your house will look different at sunrise, mid-day and sunset, and like a different world at night. Experiment with shooting the same scene at different times
- Seasonal changes drastically effect photos. There are some summer, winter, spring and fall photos here. Take note to how interesting a winter scene would be if it was summer.
- Angle of view. Most people take photos while standing up, but experiment with getting down to ground level, or standing on a bridge looking down.
- Utilize a tripod for longer exposures at night
As a photographer, I've always found it really interesting to try and go shoot what I commonly see in my neighborhood in a new an unique manner. Give it a try, photo walks through your own neighborhood can often reveal amazing new things you never knew were there, and use these 33 photos as some inspiration!
Photo by Brett Sayles
Photo by Burst
1 Comment
wow, I will sure try, I wish I knew which settings have been used, great site!