Some subjects just lend themselves to amazing imagery. The interiors of religious structures like cathedrals are one of those subjects. We think that this collection brings that through beautifully. Some might break the occasional photographic “rule” like converging verticals or overcooking the saturation – it's just that we're having one of those days where we don't really care. Sometimes it's just great to look at gorgeous subjects taken for the pure pleasure of it. Enjoy, and share yours in the comments!

Further Learning:
We hope you've enjoyed these beautiful interiors. With any interior shot understanding the light is a must.
If you've struggled to take advantage of light in your photography to the fullest and you want a complete, in-depth training to help you with that, take a look at the guide Understanding Light: Book One, to produce great images by discovering the key concepts of light. Click here now to check it out.
A great collection! I also appreciate one my photos making the list!
Cathedrals are one my favorite subjects, I spent a lot time photographing them in Europe.
Nice collection!
I love cathedrals and churches. They present plenty of challenges; no flash, no tripod and big.
Beautiful and dramatic! One more:
Here is a capture inside one of the beautiful Meteora monasteries in Greece that you will seldom see. The gilt edges on the carvings and intricate ceiling paintings are riveting to behold.
Larger at
And a complete set of images from inside cathedrals and places of worship around the world and through the ages at
In NYC, Trinity Church
Been photographing church interiors for years and I have quite a collection. Some are on my website (attached) under “Places of Worship”. Feel free to check them out and comment.
Wow! Great!
Great photos. Here’s one of my favorites from an abandoned chruch in Detroit.
Totally awesome photo’s. Love everyone of them and wish there was those type of church’s here in Kansas City to shoot.
It’s Sunday morning, got to look at a post like this! Beautiful images!
These are beautiful stuctures. I make it a point to shoot the local religious venues when I travel. Great subject Rob!
This is my choice among this group.
dese r amazing….nd d angles make picture come alive…..revealing its beauty….well done!!!!!