Welcome to the weekly Light Stalking community wrap up! Clearly I’m no engineer — or anything else related — so whenever I stumble over a hanging bridge, my mind can’t comprehend how something like that could be made. Even those with the most humble of sizes offer that levitating quality that makes my mind go […]
Author: Federico Alegria
Federico has a decade of experience in documentary photography, and is a University Professor in photography and research methodology. He's a scientist studying the social uses of photography in contemporary culture who writes about photography and develops documentary projects. Other activities Federico is involved in photography are curation, critique, education, mentoring, outreach and reviews. Get to know him better here.
Welcome to the weekly Light Stalking community update! For this week, Tersha requested our talented members to visually elaborate around the deep and meaningful concept of “intimate connections.” An overwhelming and strong subject to deal with if you ask me. As someone passionate about visual language, taking photos of those around us tends to be […]
Welcome to the Light Stalking weekly community update! Groping for something tangible, we found only individuals and between them in a way nothing but empty space — Georg Simmel Not so long ago, while crawling at the library’s recently vacuumed carpet floor, I stumbled with a somewhat familiar name. Picked up the book; and skim-and-scanned […]
Welcome to the weekly Light Stalking community catchup! In case it passed you by, a few days ago Tersha gave us a new assignment amidst launching a new set on “isolation vs connection.” More specifically, it is about the sort of material notion of being alone in the crowd. Being alone requires no further explanation, […]
Welcome to the weekly Light Stalking community update! A few weeks ago, we started building consciousnesses in our community about how our species imposes trouble on our global homeland. Keeping with this endeavor, this week’s assignment made us aware of how much waterways are in distress. One week is not enough to build the needed […]
Welcome to the weekly Light Stalking community wrap up. We’d love for you to join us! As we continue to take more global space, wildlife gets pushed against our existence. It qualifies as resilience or adaptation capability; and in all cases, it’s the result of our effects on their territories and ways of living. Not […]