Indoor photography scares the bajesus out of most photographers, and rightly so. On-camera flash, off-camera flash, ambient lighting and then throw people into the mix and it’s enough to make a grown man weak in the knees. Utilizing filters on lenses and flashes can change any photograph, using them specifically for indoor photography can be […]
Author: Mike Panic
is a professional photographer. See his site at Mike Panic Photography.
Working with models can be rewarding and frustrating, often all at the same time. For many photographers shooting falls more into documenting, even if you are composing the shot. If you think about it, wedding, engagement, family, landscapes, birding, photojournalism, and even macro photography are all ways to document what you see. Working with a […]
“Haters gonna hate” is an Internet meme that I’m sure everyone has seen at some point. When there are a group of people large enough to actually hate something that usually means they are scared, jealous, envious or don’t understand what it is they are hating. The iPhone has changed how hundreds of millions of […]
Working with models brings a whole other level of mindset to shooting and we’ve already covered how to build a rapport with a model so this article will be about finding locations to shoot at. Studio shoots are great, but sometimes a client will require you to go outside and for many shooters, that also […]
Chimping for photographers has become a pretty standard part of shooting. Not familiar with the term? It’s when you review the photos you just took, usually followed by an ooh ooh sound by yourself and whoever you’re showing. There is a time when the screen on your camera simply isn’t big enough to review images […]
Shooting models lends itself to slightly different equipment than say, a landscape shoot. Here we will explain what you need for your first model shoot and why it will become useful. Photo By Cillian Storm While a DSLR is a given, lens choices will make the difference here. Anything in and around the 100mm range […]