Wildlife photography can produce spectacular results for the well-prepared photographer. Light Stalking’s newest writer, Chase Guttman, takes us through some tips to ensure your own wildlife photographs really pop. 1. Do research and be prepared. A common misconception among amateur photographers is that you must venture far from home in order to effectively capture visually […]
Wildlife Photography Articles
There are a few key subjects that draw both the eye of photographers and people who enjoy the art form. They include, among many others, train tracks, running water, sunsets / sunrises and old, desolate buildings. It’s the later of the bunch that we’ll focus on now, especially since we’ve shown you 21 stunning shots […]
For a lot of us, a trip to the zoo is going to be one of our few chances in life to photograph some fairly exotic animals from up close. The unfortunate thing is that a Zoo actually presents a fairly challenging shooting environment. Now we have covered zoo photography before, so let’s concentrate on […]
Photographing wildlife is perhaps one of the most difficult things you can attempt with a camera phone. Image elements such as proximity, light and movement are going to pose massive problems for equipment that limits your photographic options. On the other hand, many people manage to get some pretty good images of wildlife with their […]