While we all know Adobe Lightroom is basically the king of the hill when it comes to photographic post-production software at the moment, decoding Lightroom for a non-pro user is easier said than done.
There are a LOT of moving parts.
Now the upside of that is that Lightroom is also incredibly powerful – so much so that for probably 90% of photographers, it's the only program they use. Workflow, editing all the way through to getting print-ready – Lightroom does the lot.

But where to start?
Well, in very general terms, once you're in the develop module, you work your way down the right column.
Ok ok, I know somebody is going to jump on that, but it is an approximation of the workflow. The devil is in the details.
Getting to grips with the finer points… well, that can take some time.
And perhaps the more important part – establishing your own style – well that can take years.
Now it's always helpful when somebody shows your their workflow and style, but the real gold exists when people show you how to find your own.
Decoding Lightroom is a video resource by professional photographer, Adam Welch, whose style of stunning landscape photography is highly regarded.
And while he shows you how the post-production part of that is achieved in Decoding Lightroom, he also emphasizes the development of your own style rather than simply emulating his. And that is what makes this course quite unique.
Don't get me wrong, he still covers the fundamentals of using Lightroom Classic CC with detailed explanations of each panel and slider. This course can most definitely be taken by a beginner, but he goes well beyond that too.
Included in what he covers:
- Understanding how (and why!) to work with certain sections
- Importing & categorize your photos and create a solid workflow
- Developing your own style and your own presets
- Learning the new Creative Profiles available in Lightroom Classic!
- Discovering how saturation, vibrance, sharpness work in Lightroom
- Mastering local adjustment tools
- Effectively applying split toning and other effects to your images
- Mastering the HSL panel to give your photos a gorgeous color boost
If you have ever wanted more from a course than covering the basic “how” then Decoding Lightroom is going to be the course you want to look at.
And being the Black Friday – Cyber Monday weekend, this one is on special!
While it's usually $129, this weekend it's only $59
Take a look at the full details of the course here (including video).