Some natural events just lend themselves to interesting photography. We have all seen amazing photographs of storms or tornadoes that are mind blowing. Well here is a collection of photographs of dust storms to join the ranks. If you especially like one, click on the image and leave a comment on the photographer's page!
Luna Park by tolomea, on Flickr
Phoenix Dust Storm (2) by squeaks2569, on Flickr
Dust Storm Sweeps City by Aristocrats-hat, on Flickr
Temple in dust by Perfecto Insecto, on Flickr
Chinook decent by The U.S. Army, on Flickr
Tempe Haboob II by, on Flickr
Tempe Haboob (HDR Panorama) by, on Flickr
Arizona Dust Storm by Ms. Phoenix, on Flickr
Drive Inn by Aristocrats-hat, on Flickr
Dust Storm by Rich Anderson, on Flickr
Bridge from Milsons Pt by tolomea, on Flickr
Sydney dust storm by Ianz, on Flickr
Sydney Dust Storm by TheArmyofDolls, on Flickr
Dust storm approaching Stratford, Texas by NOAA George E. Marsh Album
Sydney Dust Storm by andy_tyler, on Flickr
Dust Storm by Elliott P, on Flickr
Approaching Dust Storm by Jesse Wagstaff, on Flickr
Tram to Masada by princesswhycome, on Flickr
These are mine from Sydneys dust storm.
Nothing like a good dust storm to make you in the mood to dust… 🙂
The photos are great, I wonder what kind of damage the camera gets out in these things.