It's time for another competition! We had been thinking of it for a while and quite by chance, friend of Light Stalking and prolific photography author, Harold Davis dropped us a line about his new book, Creative Landscapes. Well then he and his publisher thought it might be a good idea to give away some copies and at almost the same time, Wanda from the My Winners group over at Flickr told us that it's time we had a competition. So we got the message and that's what we're doing!
Photo by James JordanSo What's the Prize?
The top three entries will receive a copy of Creative Landscapes: Digital Photography Tips and Techniques by Harold Davis.
Harold is a hugely prolific photographic writer and author of more than 30 books and countless articles. You can find some of his very helpful ideas over at where he writes regularly and you should check out his personal site too for some cool photography stuff.
What Do You Have to Do?
We're going to be using Flickr for this one.
Step 1) Log into your Flickr account.
Step 2) Upload your best landscape shot and tag it with “lsclcomp”
Step 3) Join the Light Stalking Flickr Group.
Step 4) Add that photo to the group pool.
That's it! Just remember that you can only post one photo per day to the group pool so make sure you get out of the gates with a good one!
The competition will run until next Wednesday June 22 at Midday GMT and the top 3 entries will be judged by Harold Davis!
Good Luck!
So we can post as many pictures for the competition but one per day?
Cheers, that was easy to join.
Looking forward to the book if I win. Will you do a review of the book as well?
Cheers, Harry
I hope I uploaded to the correct group.
WOO HOO I’m in. Finally a contest for pictures. I love it. Even if I dont win.
I am on!.. I will be very glad to know the results in any case…
always good to have a little competition, not that i ever win. but it is fun.
I saw a great collection of the finalists, but who won in the end?
The winners are here: