When you work in Internet marketing, one of the most important components of any ad campaign is the media you use around it and for that many marketers turn to stock video and photography websites for imagery that conveys their message while also giving them professional media at an affordable price.
And, like any market, the more diverse your offerings or the more unique the more likely you are to attract and retain customers, some of whom pay thousands of dollars every month to license stock imagery and video.

If you’ve ever needed a go-to website for stock footage shot by a drone then Shutterstock and Drone Base’s new joint venture might just be what you were looking for in a site.
In what amounts to a massive expansion of available content for its user base, Shutterstock announced that it was teaming up with Drone Base to offer 4K drone stock video in a move by Shutterstock to capture ever more of the lucrative stock photo and video market.
For its part, Shutterstock already has an outsized presence in the world of stock photography and video, but it hopes to expand on that by incorporating one of the fastest growing segments of videography and that is video shot by a drone.
Drone Base, for its part, is one of the world’s largest drone-centred communities with a presence in 71 countries. Its archive includes drone stock footage taken from exotic places all around the globe, from the U.S. Virgin Islands to Tanzania.
The best news of all? The Drone Base stock footage archive is already incorporated into Shutterstock’s catalogue of available media.
You can check it out on Shutterstock by clicking here. You can also watch Shutterstock's announcement of the joint venture here on YouTube.