Bird Photography: Capture Amazing Photos Using These Tips and Techniques

It’s hard not to appreciate birds and bird photography. They delight birders, viewers and photographers every day. Learning how to photograph images of birds that convey their personality, behaviors and traits can be readily accomplished with tenacious patience in the field and honing your skills. This post provides some really useful tips and techniques to capture amazing bird photos.

How to Make Sure You are Using Image Stabilization Correctly

A good photo isn’t automatic. It doesn’t matter how new or expensive your camera is; good shots don’t just happen because you press the shutter. There are all sorts of things that can ruin a shot: overexposure, underexposure, poor composition, missed focus. Regardless of what camera you’re using, things like this are remedied almost entirely […]

9 Essential Tips to Conquer Available Light Photography

Famed American Army general George S. Patton once advised those under his command to “accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.” Unlike a military conquest, I’m pretty sure that none of the photography projects that any  of us engage in will ever have such profound global implications. Yet, given that […]