Light Stalking has grown into a thriving community with close to a million people following us or seeing us online in one form or other, every month. In all of the hullabaloo, it’s easy to miss the core of what’s happening in photography on Light Stalking. So that’s why we decided to sum it up for you. Here’s what you missed recently on Light Stalking.
Photo of the Week

This interesting photo is by Catherine. She can also be found on Flickr. You can comment on her photo here.
The Most Popular Stories from the Last 7 Days
•10 Inspirational Photo Books – Our family and peer group can be great for encouragement and positive feedback on our photography. However, it is easy to get stuck in mediocrity and not reach the next level of photography. This collection of photo books will provide what may be just the inspiration you need to improve your photos and join the ranks of great photographers.
•How to Photograph Smoke – This step-by-step guide will walk you through the basics of photographing smoke.
•Enough Awesome Photography Links to Give You Vertigo– Toad Hollow Photography brings you the best photographs, tutorials and photography blogs on the internet in this weekly feature.
•A Step by Step Guide to Realistically Enhancing a Portrait in Photoshop – This tutorial will show you a simple way to realistically enhance a portrait in Photoshop.
What You Missed in the Light Stalking Community
Submit your photo to this week’s photography challenge – Framing! Do you have any photographs with natural framing to share with us?
We have had some great responses to our last few photography challenges on the forum. Last week’s photography challenge was (POV) or Point of View– Do you have any interesting photos which demonstrate points of view? Also, check out the fantastic images from the week before in Breaking the Rule of Thirds.
Other Weekly Photography Challenges:
View this week’s Mobile Monday Challenge.
We’d love to chat with you! Add your opinions here:
•THROWDOWN – Whimsy or Make Believe
•Fall Color
•Resurrecting Our Heritage
•THROW DOWN: Silhouettes Emphasize Form
What Are Our Members Up To?
We have some amazing members here at Light Stalking that run the gamut from career professional photographers through to beginner enthusiast. Here’s what a few of them are up to in photography.
Great Shots Uploaded to the Light Stalking Community

Photo by Richard Wood. He can also be found on Facebook.
If you’re not already part of the Light Stalking community then come and join the fun. We promise not to bite!
Rachael Towne is a professional photographer and editor of the Photoluminary photography blog.
I love these weekly roundups, it’s a great way to stay up to date with everything that’s happening here. There are so many people and so many activities going on it’s hard to keep it all straight! Thanks for taking the time to put this together, and thanks for the mentions here we really appreciate it!
Thanks and you’re welcome 🙂