Here it is, what you've been waiting for, and if you are a newbie let me explain what this is all about.
We know that it is hard for you to have your eyes on everything that goes on around this friendly place dedicated to sharing our passion for photography.
But don't worry, we got you covered, These posts are the result of a huge weekly effort in which we pinpoint interesting discussion and photographs for you.
Today we are bringing you a selection of photos that grabbed our attention mostly from Tersha's challenge on getting inspired by others. It is not only a very interesting challenge but really a very logical one too.
We all get inspired by other photographers, from great masters to even our students. We also have a selection of photos from the Shark Tank that definitely deserve your attention.
We are really into sharing every single bit of photography knowledge we have with all of you, so thank you again for your kind words and support, we really appreciate them.
Photo Of The Week – May 20, 2019
This week we have a mesmerising photo of the week submitted by Paul (aka Bucweeet) and here is what Kent had to say about this superb photograph
This week the POTW award goes to Bucweeet @paul-3 for his energizing image of birds in flight.
The world is filled with nature photography, so to find one that grabs your attention is indeed special, and this is one of those shots.
It makes use of an extreme telephoto lens to produce a semi-abstract effect that is quite visually stunning.
Also, the inclusion of the tree in the lower left, along with the sliver of landscape provides just enough realism to keep this a rock-solid nature photograph versus a complete abstraction.
Congratulations Paul on a beautiful shot that's worthy of Audubon Magazine.
Thank you so much to Kent for continuing to inspire us with his thoughtful choices for the photo of the week. And, of course, a very big congratulations to Paul.
So Who or What Are You Inspired By?
Tersha once again outdid herself with such a fantastic topic for this week's challenge – Inspired By… Here are some of the wonderful images from our 434th Weekend Photography Challenge
Photo by Chris Pook
William Wegman is a fine art photographer dedicated to exclusively shooting his own dogs, but not any dogs. He only breeds Weimaraners, and his photographs do have a pleasing quality. Chris Pook got inspired by his work and shared with us a very funny portrait.
Photo by Anne Hornsby
Anne got inspired by all the good info she has collected from Light Stalking, especially those people and learnings that have helped her become better as a photographer. This is a very interesting photograph that shows us how far her creative skills have come thanks to photography.
Photo by David Chesterfield
Even great photographers get their inspiration from elsewhere. Here David (the light painting genius) shared with us a shot that honors his inspirations from Corrie White.
Photo by Kent DuFault
Kent got his inspiration from Pete Turner, a photographer famously known not only for his odd points of view but also for his meticulous care for color. Thank you so much for sharing not only this photograph but also a great photographer that we should definitely look out for.
Discussions You May Have Missed On The Forum
Tom shared with us a photograph of his grandson in the air while performing a front flip. This is quite an intense shot for sure! He almost looks like he's defying gravity and being pulled away. Great timing and great capture from Tom
Dorothy raised a question that got some serious attention from other members. The question is about what is Landscape as a photographic discipline. I'm very used to debates like this one when it comes to street photography, but one about landscape is quite refreshing to have.
Robert Apple shared with us a shot of a plan that has quite an interesting miniature effect look. Oh, and he also shared with us a powerful shot of a flower as well.
Sarthak has a question about getting photographs that are hazy due to a smudge on a lens. Some other members have given their two cents here, but you can still give yours. Or if you are experiencing the same problem maybe you can find a solution as well.
Philip is about to retire, and he has a huge craving for creative expression. If you have anything valuable to share with him then this is a great opportunity to do so.
Beth shared with us a very fun shot of an acid rain infantry unit playing the violin. It has that unique color palette that is very much her style.
We'd Love To Hear Your Thoughts
We know it is hard for you to believe something like this, but it is actually true. We are able to help you become a better photographer in a reasonable amount of time.
What we offer isn't magic, but a mindset that can be built with consistency, practice and especially good disposition. We believe in the power of criticism and feedback, and we promote it via The Shark Tank. Don't worry about the name, it is a friendly place.
By working around this idea, people are able to nurture their own photographic knowledge when they give out helpful critique that goes beyond a simple emoji based reactions or “nice shot” comments.
By receiving critique we can find out flaws in our images that perhaps weren't easy to spot for us before hearing an objective opinion on our work.
Here are some of the most interesting shot shared during last week on the Tank:
- Walk in the forest
- Montezuma Well
- Springtime Fog
- Silver coin jewellery
- Daisy's Spine
- Old Bench
- Ladies Knot
- Scottish Highland Dancing (not as you know it!)
- Melloween
- Far Horizons
- Selfie with Massive Erosion
The Shark Tank is a great place to learn and to discuss, so please read the instructions in order the get a better critique experience.
Share your comments, opinions and doubts on any or all of the images above. We also will be delighted to see some of your own images. Don't be shy, critique is given to photographs and not photographers, so don't be afraid of sharing.
We and many other members will be more than pleased to help you out; after all, we all are in love with photography.
Don't skip participating in the newest challenge published by Tersha on Pin Sharp. Please remember to join our friendly photography community if you haven't done already!
Take a spin at our Members Picks from this Last Week a well, here you'll find the best of the best from Light Stalking, curated by our very own members.
Today We Leave You With…A Katydid Nymph
A very big thank you to the talented Lynne Guenther for sharing such a wonderful macro shot of this katydid nymph.
The image is beautiful, it has a great color scheme and the composition is incredibly appealing.