Another week, another great set of photographs from you all! Here is your highly anticipated weekly wrap-up! This week's Weekend Photography Challenge was really special. Tersha gave us the theme of trees and everyone posted some incredible images. We've got a wrap up here, but I recommend viewing the gallery yourself. We've also picked out some choice discussions from the forums, but these are only a sample, so definitely take a deep dive into the forums and have a chat!
Let's get started
Photo Of The Week – September 9th, 2019
Fisherman At Sunset – Photo by Pat Garrett

This is just a stunning photo of the week from Pat – this is her 14 yo son, who, by the way, loves fishing and photography! What a stunning combination of color, silhouette and composition. Here is what Kent DuFault had to say about this lovely image:
This week the POTW goes to Pat Garrett for her moody storytelling photograph of a fisherman at sunset.
There was some debate about the level of brightness on the left rear side of the picture.
Here are my thoughts on that.
If you cover that area with your hand the photograph really loses something. That contrast… that brightness… is so familiar to anyone who has spent time on the water, and it adds credibility to the bright highlight on the bow of the canoe.
Plus, there are three very strong shapes in this shot: the bow of the boat, the man’s hat, and the fishing pole. Combining those strong shapes with the transition from light to dark, which occurs right at the bow of the boat creates a strong subject area with heavy visual weight, in a Minimalist composition, with excellent use of negative space.
I think it’s a fantastic shot, and I wouldn’t change it at all.
Congratulations Pat!
A very big congratulations to Pat! Kent always does such a great job and sometimes he just needs a couple of runners up because the choice of one great photo to highlight is not enough. This week, Kent had two runners up and here is what he had to say about them:

The first was Lenny’s shot titled “A Trashed Lady NSFW?”. This is a really insightful capture in my opinion, which allows a viewer to draw many interpretations.

The second was Erik’s shot titled “Almost Spring”. His image of a quaint farm scene is just one of those shots that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy and you just want to keep imagining yourself standing there.
Once again congratulations to Pat, Lenny and Erik for showing us some wonderful photographs this week.
Weekend Photography Challenge #450 – Trees
These are some great shots from the 450th Challenge on Trees!

One can really get lost inside so much detail. Everything in this shot is crowded with rich tones and fine textures.

Light in this photo is a jewel, many stories can be built just by taking this shot as a starting point – it is like a fairytale.

There is something beautiful about this anatomical find. The whole rhythm of nature is captured here. Congratulations Click

Photographing a tree isn't as simple as one might think, or at least doing it in a way that captures the whole existence of the tree in a compelling way.

Having a tree as a foreground element is a bold move, and here Tom managed to fuse everything in a well-balanced composition, even when it is filled with heavy visual elements.

Very psychedelic, and with a potential for multiple abstractions. The fallen tree gives off a slightly ominous feeling to the overall image – and what a great interpretation of the theme

This is a really interesting way of reducing a forest to the essential visual elements. A stunning image from a creativity photographer

Nature at it's best, what a beautiful find this is. It definitely deserves a long exposure shot.

This is almost like a huge curtain from nature, and the way both warm and green tones blend is very pleasing.

Superb sub-framing, and very poetic as well. This is amazing composition, creative juxtaposition in the concepts of nature contained within such a stark industrial area and lovely use of color.
Some Discussions…
Graham went to the Royal Adelaide Show and stumbled into this nice collection of tools, also he shared with us a beautifully looking python from the same show.

Charmaine spent the last few days in Cape St. Francis, and thanks to her steady hand and massive 400mm lens, she captured some nice shots of surfers, here is one:

Tom told us that near his place an old train depot was restored, and shared a cosy image of the railroad crossing with us.

Patrick shared with us a photo of the SS Nomadic – a tender for the Titanic. He also linked to this beautiful piece of history's bio on Wikipedia – it is worth a read!

Patrick was also really happy with the 450th challenge, so he even shared more shots with us.

Another lovely photo from Graham:

Share Your Thoughts
Here are some of the interesting shot shared last week on the Shark Tank. Please feel free to offer your insights, but also make sure you use this valuable resource to get some well-intentioned feedback on some of your photographs as well. You never know where it might take you:
- Another street try…
- The Reader
- A Trashed Lady NSFW?
- Twins
- Dunno
- Bull by the Horns
- My Daughter
- Unknown Flower, Fiji
- Fishing – The Golden Hour
The Shark Tank is a great place to learn and to discuss, so please read the instructions to make the most of your experience.
Well, that is it for another week. Thank you again to everyone who has joined our community, shared images and given us your thoughts. We value everyone's input and continued support on this wonderful photographic journey. Don't forget to join the latest challenge published by Tersha on Old vs. New!
Today We Leave You With…Toys In The Market
This colorful shot comes from Rob in the Mobile Monday Challenge! This challenge is the place where you can post some of those smartphone images that you've taken. All images submitted must be taken on the sensor of a mobile device, and any editing is done on a mobile device (smartphone or tablet).

Thanks for reading and see you next week!
1 Comment
Great catch up Federico much thanks , love the one from Rob in the Mobile Monday Challenge.