3 Free E-Books on Low Light Photography

Photographing in low light can be challenging a lot of times. When the light is low, shutter speed duration is longer than usual to let in sufficient light to make the image, and camera stability becomes an important criteria unless you use a higher ISO setting which can unfortunately make the image noisy. So how do you best handle these conditions when shooting in low light?

Here are 3 free e-books on low light photography that will teach you everything you need to know to get the best photos during low light conditions.

If you'd like to gain a better understanding of light and learn how to best utilize light to create great shots consistently, check out Kent DuFault's guide to understanding light.

Having a good understanding of exposure and light can help you capture some amazing shots in low light. Photo by Stig Nygaard

1. Dealing with Low Light

In this guide, Kent DuFault will teach you the three ways you can deal with low light: raising your ISO setting, adding additional light, and increasing exposure. There's also a nice flow chart at the end with step-by-step guidelines to help you in different low light situations.

2. 5 Tips for Better Low Light Images

This guide by David Veldman presents five useful tips on how to photograph in low light. A few of them may be similar to those presented in the earlier guide on this list but you are sure to find some unique tips with wonderful accompanying images to inspire you.

3. Good Photos in Bad Light

We’ve all gone through situations where bad light played a spoilsport in our photography trip, or so we thought. You don’t have to worry about it any longer because in this eBook, Darwin Wiggett, gives you plenty of tips and techniques that you can learn to create great photos in bad outdoor light.

Improve Your Photography by Understanding Light Better

If you've struggled to take advantage of light in your photography to the fullest and you want a complete, in-depth training to help you with that, take a look at the guide Understanding Light: Book One, to produce great images by discovering the key concepts of light. Click here now to check it out.


About Author

Ritesh has been photographing since 2010 and his photographic interests have varied from nature and landscapes to street photography. You can see his photography on Flickr or on his website.

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