“Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road.”
Jack Kerouac
Roads are synonymous with freedom. Roads denote a journey, moving forward and arriving at a new and amazing destination. Even fulfilling our destiny. Roads are not only a way to get from point A to point B but are also routes of communication and a way to stay connected with family, friends, other cities and even countries.
There are many photographers that have understood this, and they have captured roads in highly poetic ways. Indeed, in photography, roads offer fantastic composition opportunities and can be used very effectively as leading lines.
Today we want to share with you some images of roads to get you inspired on your own photographic journey.

Leading Lines And Getting It Right
Getting photography composition right has always been the greatest challenge for the photographer. If you’d like to get better at photography composition and learn concepts that go beyond the basics, you should take a look at Kent DuFault’s guide to advanced composition.
In Kent Dufault's Advanced Composition, you'll discover concepts such as:
- Why the human eye is attracted to light objects over dark objects
- How to train your mind to simplify composition for professional results
- Why the use of repetition is so important
- How to tell a story through graphic elements
- Why your choice of aspect ratio can vastly affect a viewer’s reaction to your photograph
- Get it here today

[thrive_text_block color=”note” headline=””] Advanced Composition – will ensure you create images that pop. You'll get more out of your photography and start taking images that will truly capture your creative vision. If you’d like to improve your composition skills and learn concepts that go beyond the ‘rule of thirds’, do take a look at Kent DuFault’s guide Advanced Composition. [/thrive_text_block]
Justin Luebke Ashley Knedler Jose Murillo Jesse Bowser Connor McSheffrey

Your Next Journey In Photography Should Be Advanced Composition
If you are looking to improve your photography composition and learn concepts that go beyond the ‘rule of thirds’, do take a look at Kent DuFault’s guide Advanced Composition. With this guide, you will learn all about light, shadow, lines, curves, repetition, juxtaposition and much more, and also develop the skills of anticipation, pre-visualization, and timing.