AI Transforms Pixelized Blobs Into Detailed Face Photos


There’s really no end to what AI will be able to do with images, and this story basically proves it.

man in black jacket
Photo by mohamed Abdellgaffar from Pexels.

We’ve covered quite a few articles in the last several days about AI technology and how it is doing amazing things with photographs – or even nothing at all! Today’s tech might be concerning for people who are trying to obscure their identity with blurring but, aside from that, it seems to be an expansion on the attempts in the past to make algorithms that “fill in” the details of an image and get somewhat close to reality.

What makes this AI even more interesting is that it doesn’t necessarily need pixelized human faces to work. It can also take pixelized video game avatars like the old PC classic Wolfenstein’s hero B.J. Blazkowicz and give us some idea of what he would look like in higher res.

Called Face Depixelizer, the app was developed by Denis Malimonov using the StyleGAN technology so famous for being able to generate realistic faces out of thin air as PetaPixel points out. There are some issues with the app when it comes to working with photos of people of different races other than Caucasian. As for the privacy concerns people have brought up, Malimonov has pointed out that the program merely fills in the details using its own intuition not based upon something that is actually there.

You can check it out by clicking on this link.

What do you think of all of these AI programs cropping up lately? Is the technology of tomorrow going to make photography obsolete or will it help create entirely new genres for the field? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below if you like.

We’ve got a bunch of other interesting photography news articles here on Light Stalking for you to check out by clicking on this link.



About Author

Kehl is our staff photography news writer since 2017 and has over a decade of experience in online media and publishing and you can get to know him better here and follow him on Insta.

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