This is a fact that you may, or may not, be aware of- At this point in time, a digital photograph “REQUIRES” a number of Fundamental Editing Steps to become the gorgeous photograph that you intended it to be. The Fundamental Editing List, discussed in this article, includes the most important steps in digital photography. […]
Author: Kent DuFault
Kent is an occasional writer at our place, and also handles the weekly “Picture of the Week” contest. He has been involved with photography since 1974 and you can get to know him better here.
Have you ever entered a black & white photography contest, and then wondered, as you looked around at your competitors photographs, why does the competition look so awesome and my photo is a bit… you’re not even sure… you just know that your entry doesn’t have the snap and visual power of the competing photographs. […]
The Photograph (Above), Titled “Honey Champs”, Has Been Highly Regarded Wherever I’ve Shared It Online or in Photography Competitions. I believe that the reason for this is the use of rhythm in the composition. You might say to yourself, “Yeah! Self! There is obviously repetition here, and that’s what everyone likes…” I am going to […]
What does it really take to create a great portrait? Do you need multiple lights, a dozen reflectors, several backgrounds, six soft boxes, three umbrellas, a makeup artist, a costume designer, and a wind machine? No. Well… maybe if you’re shooting Angelina Jolie for Elle Magazine. But the truth is- YOU- can create compelling portraiture […]
Light is malleable. Have you ever thought about that- that you could work light like a ball of clay? It’s true. Light has 5 distinct characteristics that should be of interest to any photographer, and one undeniable truth that every photographer should know and understand. However, many don’t. Hopefully, by the time you’re done reading […]
Here’s a test for you- What do you believe would be the most difficult photographic situation, (in general), to get a proper meter reading from your camera’s light meter? A glass of water, a puppy portrait, flowers in a garden, a bridal portrait, a plate of spaghetti, a lion sleeping in the Serengeti, a teenager […]