Let me first make one thing perfectly clear: when I speak of self-portraiting, I do not refer to the “selfie.” “Selfies” and self-portraits are not interchangeable terms, nor do they measure up to the same level in photography. Now that we’ve got that over with, we can move on. Why Self-Portraits Can Help You Improve Your Photography […]
Author: Dzvonko Petrovski
Photographer who loves challenging and experimental photography and loves sharing his knowledge about it.
Today we’re covering a few of the subtle mistakes photographers make which can stunt their growth. Understanding these errors will help you progress onto new levels and ensure your photography skills are developing all the time.
This article will provide an introduction to HDR photography so that you’re able to see what’s involved before trying it out yourself! Understand what an HDR image is, why they’re produced and favored by so many photographers and how it can really train your eye when post processing your regular exposures.
Photographers, you will probably fear this moment more than any, and it goes a little like this: The “aarrgh, I’ve lost my images…for good!” Let’s help restore your photos back from a technical black hole.
Of course, today there are various types of photography portfolio you could use to display your finest pieces of work, but some will have more impact than others and emphasize the type of work you’re producing a whole lot better.
We all experience smartphone photography issues. And we notice them a lot more because we’ve always got them in our possession. Here’s how to fix them and ensure your smartphone photography flourishes!