As a long time resident of Sydney (1947-1984) and a constant visitor to this beautiful city, I am never short of subjects to photograph. For the tourist and photographer alike, there are always the icons of the city and the harbour in which you can while away your time with a camera in hand. But […]
Author: tom dinning
Help!! I'm down here. In the dungeon. Save me!!!
Like sunsets and the grand-kids, flowers are up there as a popular subject for photographing. They also suit close inspection with the macro lens, extension tubes or whatever you use for your close-up work. Photo by tom dinning But getting in that close can be a bit of a lighting problem, so here are some […]
One of the exciting things about photography is the anticipation of ‘the shot’ – hunting down the moment in time that is worth recording and being there with your camera poised when it happens. No genre of photography creates this anticipation like ‘Street Photography’; moving with the crowd, ever alert to the signs of human […]
Francis Bay. Francis Bay ( called ‘The Duck Pond’ by the locals ) isn’t your typical place of profound beauty and its certainly not on the tourist list. But if you are interested in the working class side of Darwin (and a feed of prawns or mackeral), this is the place to bring your camera. It is […]
We’ve been up since 4am to catch the first light, we’ve had second light among the folaige, been out and about in the midday Sun and spent a pensive and relective moment with the last light of the day. Shooting After Dark Now where do you go when the last light drains from the sky like a fine […]
This is a series by photographer, Tom Dinning. You can read the first three parts of this series here: Shooting at First Light, Shooting at Second Light, Shooting at Midday. This is a collection of photographs taken over the years during that time of the day (between 4pm and 7.30pm in my part of the […]