Who doesn’t like to travel. Certainly none of the photographers I know. New experiences, new opportunities, new photos with which to bore the relatives on your return home. But are they boring? Are they purely descriptive? This is where I went, this is what I saw, this is what I did. How many shots of […]
Author: tom dinning
Help!! I'm down here. In the dungeon. Save me!!!
This is a guest collection by Tom Dinning. Download Tom’s latest book, “Learning to See” for free here. They say you can win the heart of a woman with a bunch of colourful flowers. My success rate in that endeavour has been limited so I’m not one to comment. But I do know that photographers […]
While wondering through the Tate Gallery in London many years ago lavishing myself on a feast of paintings by William Turner I came across a small note book of his, secured within a glass cabinet in a less than conspicuous corner of the foyer. It was not dissimilar to a school boy’s exercise book and […]
One of the fundamental tools that a photographer has at his/her disposal is the ability to record time. This isn’t just the moment in time, or the ‘decisive moment’, as Cartier-Bresson called it, but the duration of the time interval as well. It’s a matter of when and how long. We can not only get the […]
In a complex world of action and vision it’s often difficult to separate the trees from the forest. In the early days of photography there was a tendency for photographers to emulate the painters or to use the photograph to assist the artist with his composition. The photograph was a means of recording the complexity […]
Behind the often stolid walls of our galleries and museums lies objects of often indescribable beauty. Art, archaeology, artifacts taken out of their context and displayed for us to admire, comprehend, understand and where we often feel the inadequacy of our own capacity to duplicate, replicate, imitate or emulate. Never fear. These are also places […]