Leaving the shutter of your camera open a little longer (or a lot longer) to capture the motion of water can result in some beautiful images. If you have thought about the composition of your shot then the results can be spectacular. Personally, I love the smoke on the water effect that doing this at the beach can achieve. Here are 12 long exposure beach photos that we think worked pretty damn well. In fact, we’re kind of jealous!
Mahon Pool by TimboDon
North Narrabeen Rock Pool Before Dawn by brentbat
Rangitoto @ Dawn by Chris Gin.

Beach calm clouds coast by Asad Photo Maldives.
The rain is coming again by neeZhom.
Barrenjoey by TimboDon.
Untitled by BURИBLUE.
Untitled by BURИBLUE.
Endless time by Pedro Moura Pinheiro.
Shadowed Wash by night86mare.

Scenic view of ocean during sunset by Travis Rupert.
These are amazing! How do you get such perfect clarity? All of your photos are teh sharpest I’ve ever seen. Huge fan of your work. Are these HDR? The heaviest tripod on the planet? Please, do tell your secret. Thanks!
@lkdellatorre To see the settings used by the photographers, just click on the photo and then click on “more Properties” in the right hand column – then you can see exactly what was done! 🙂
i don’t understand how to do that… when i click on the picture it takes me to a Flickr site, and i don’t see a “more properties” anywhere… help!
Beautiful collection of photos, as usual 🙂
Always fun to visit and enjoy your posts!
@Ilan – Thanks for stopping by as always! Judging from the amount of comments, your blog is on fire lately!!
Ah, the power of Twitter! I’m glad that that micro-blog got us connected
Gotta love twitter! 🙂
These are wonderfully beautiful … I am a student of Photography, one day I hope to take breath taking photos like those..AMAZING!
lovely images – taking delivery of my ND110 soon so will be able to try to capture something similar