4 Persistent Myths About Drone Photography

Drones have rapidly become powerful tools for photographers and filmmakers alike. Their ability to soar above a scene and give an entirely new perspective to our images makes them increasingly popular. With that popularity, however, comes some negativity, some induced by some drone fliers themselves, others simply myths propagated by people that vehemently dislike the […]

Six Points to Consider as You Transition to a Mirrorless System

Even with an impressive selection of bodies and lenses currently holding their own in the digital imaging space, mirrorless cameras remain for some people a curiosity; for others, using a mirrorless camera isn’t something they would ever consider. There are quite a few myths swirling around mirrorless cameras, even as they continue a slow but […]

Should You Use a Protective Filter?

One of the first things you are told when getting into photography is to buy protective filters for your lenses. These would normally be an ultra violet filter but you may also have been suggested a skylight filter. The latter are no longer recommended for digital photographers as they can introduce a slight colour cast […]