Coolest Photography Links of the Week: Tutorials, Reviews, Great Photography and More

The photography world is vibrant and alive right now with many artists and visionaries active in creating and sharing great images online. Toad Hollow Photography has been busy searching all over the internet, looking for links to some of the best tutorials, special features and great photography to share here with everyone. We hope you enjoy checking out these amazing posts and pictures as much as the Toad did himself in bringing this list to you.

14 Awe-Inspiring Images of Shooting Stars

The night sky is a canvas of innumerable wonders; granted, some people look up at night and don’t have much interest in what they’re seeing, operating under the assumption that it’s the same ol’ thing as any other night. I suppose such an opinion can be pardoned, given that much of what happens in the night sky is subtle and often out of reach of the naked eye. But sometimes the skies do put on a pretty spectacular show: lunar eclipses, auroras, and meteor showers. Check out these amazing examples of shooting stars.

Valentine’s Day Photography Inspiration: Roses, Chocolates and More

Valentine’s Day. Scrumptious, rich chocolates, romantic dinners and an assortment of flowers. A big day for florists, candy makers and restaurants who help couples celebrate Valentine’s Day. As photographers, we also make our own sweetness. Images of beautiful flowers. Photographs of chocolates and delectable desserts. One of the “lovely” things about Valentine’s photography is the creative perspective and use of different lenses by photographers.